Project Edith. Network support: a comparison of current and emerging solutions

Following the initial Project Overview Report, Ausgrid and Reposit Power engaged Blunomy to produce a second report on Project Edith, which compares existing and emerging network support solutions.
This report is the result of an ongoing knowledge sharing engagement led by Ausgrid and Reposit Power, as part of their collaboration on Project Edith (more information on Project Edith here).
The report focuses on how Distribution System Operators (DSOs) can more effectively signal and value the use of flexible Customer Energy Resources (CER) for network support. It assesses different approaches seen within the global landscape of DSO initiatives.
To this end, three key questions were considered:
- What is the state of play and maturity level of the market for network support?
- What are the current approaches adopted and how are they different from each other?
- What needs to be done to maximise the opportunities created by these approaches?
This study found a wide range of flexibility in CER usage for network support. To facilitate the analysis of different network support solutions, Blunomy developed a framework of dimensions based on various factors (see table below).
Beyond Project Edith and the opportunities presented by the dynamic network pricing solution, this report contributes to a larger body of work on the market integration of CER.